Game On!… Online, Of Course

South Park, Online Gamer

With the upcoming release of Madden 25, online gaming numbers should expect to skyrocket once again in popularity. Last year alone, 80 million people participated in online play for Madden 13. Within the first month of it release, over 81,516,738 games of Madden were played online. That comes out to roughly 980 million games played last year alone, a number that speaks for itself.

Online game play with popular titles like Madden, NCAA 13, Call Of Duty and Black Ops have paved the way for online gaming to evolve into the ever powerful social media world. Facebook has become one of the newest platforms to host online gaming aside from the Xbox 360 and Playstation game consoles. According to Doug Purdy, Facebook’s Director Of Developer Products, 230 million people have games on Facebook in the last 30 days and that 8 out of top 10  iPhone apps are integrated with Facebook.

One of the more popular newer platforms is BingoGodz. BingoGodz offers an array of gaming possibilities ranging from the cult classics like Monopoly and Clue to some newer titles like Ghostbusters, Cleopatra II and Day Of The Dead. If you feel channeling your inner Clark Griswold from Vegas Vacation you can also hit the Craps tables, roll the dice on a game of Roulette or take your chances on a game of Blackjack. The process is pretty simple, create an account, place your bet and start advancing through the different levels and collect your prizes. BingoGodz can be accessed through both the iPhone App Store as well as the Android market. Whether you take part in online gaming or not, it continues to grow in popularity and in this time of social media it looks to only continue to grow. To learn more about Bingo Godz and how you can get started, check it out here!